Lab 3: Clean up your subscription

Task 1: Open Azure Cloud Shell

  1. In the Azure portal, select the Cloud Shell icon Cloud Shell icon to open a new Bash session. If Cloud Shell defaults to a PowerShell session, select PowerShell and, in the drop-down menu, select Bash.

    Note: If this is the first time you are starting Cloud Shell, when prompted to select either Bash or PowerShell, select PowerShell. When you are presented with the You have no storage mounted message, select the subscription you are using in this lab, and select Create storage.

  2. At the Cloud Shell command prompt, type in the following command and press Enter to list all resource groups you created in this lab:

    az group list --query "[?starts_with(name,'az30007')]".name --output tsv
  3. Verify that the output contains only the resource groups you created in this lab. These groups will be deleted in the next task.

Task 2: Delete resource groups

  1. At the Cloud Shell command prompt, type in the following command and press Enter to delete the resource groups you created in this lab

    az group list --query "[?starts_with(name,'az30007')]".name --output tsv | xargs -L1 bash -c 'az group delete --name $0 --no-wait --yes'
  2. Close the Cloud Shell prompt at the bottom of the portal.

Result: In this exercise, you removed the resources used in this lab.

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