Lab 3: Configure a .NET web application

Task 1: Update references to data stores and build the web application

  1. In the Explorer pane of the Visual Studio Code window, expand the AdventureWorks.Web project.

  2. Open the appsettings.json file.

  3. In the JSON object on line 3, find the ConnectionStrings.AdventureWorksCosmosContext path. Note that the current value is empty:

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "AdventureWorksCosmosContext": "",
  4. Update the value of the AdventureWorksCosmosContext property by setting its value to the PRIMARY CONNECTION STRING of the Azure Cosmos DB account that you recorded earlier in this lab.

  5. In the JSON object on line 6, find the Settings.BlobContainerUrl path. Note that the current value is empty:

    "Settings": {
        "BlobContainerUrl": "",
  6. Update the BlobContainerUrl property by setting its value to the URL property of the Azure Storage blob container named images that you recorded earlier in this lab.

  7. Save the appsettings.json file and close it.

    Note: Select Overwrite if you received a prompt that the file is read-only.

  8. In the Visual Studio Code window, select AdventureWorks.Context, activate the shortcut menu, and then select Open in Integrated Terminal.

    Note:Before you perform the next step, open Windows Explorer and remove the Read-only attribute from the file $HOME\training-az204\Labs\04\Starter\AdventureWorks\AdventureWorks.Context\AdventureWorks.Context.csproj

  9. From the terminal prompt, verify that the current directory is set to AdventureWorks.Context (or change it to that if it's not), and then run the following command to import Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos from NuGet:

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos --version 3.28.0
  10. From the terminal prompt, run the following command to build the .NET web application:

    dotnet build
  11. Observe the results of the build printed in the terminal. The build should complete successfully with no errors or warning messages.

Task 2: Configure connectivity to Azure Cosmos DB

  1. In the Explorer pane of the Visual Studio Code window, expand the AdventureWorks.Context project.

  2. From the shortcut menu of the AdventureWorks.Context folder node, select New File.

  3. At the new file prompt, enter AdventureWorksCosmosContext.cs.

  4. From the code editor tab for the AdventureWorksCosmosContext.cs file, add the following lines of code to import the AdventureWorks.Models namespace from the referenced AdventureWorks.Models project:

    using AdventureWorks.Models;
  5. Add the following lines of code to import the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos and Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Linq namespaces from the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos package imported from NuGet:

    using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Linq;
  6. Add the following lines of code to include using directives for the built-in namespaces that this file will use:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
  7. Enter the following code to add an AdventureWorks.Context namespace block:

    namespace AdventureWorks.Context
  8. Within the AdventureWorks.Context namespace, enter the following code to create a new AdventureWorksCosmosContext class:

    public class AdventureWorksCosmosContext
  9. Update the declaration of the AdventureWorksCosmosContext class by adding a specification indicating that this class will implement the IAdventureWorksProductContext interface:

    public class AdventureWorksCosmosContext : IAdventureWorksProductContext
  10. Within the AdventureWorksCosmosContext class, enter the following code to create a new read-only Container variable named _container:

    private readonly Container _container;
  11. Within the AdventureWorksCosmosContext class, add a new constructor with the following signature:

    public AdventureWorksCosmosContext(string connectionString, string database = "Retail", string container = "Online")
  12. Within the constructor, add the following block of code to create a new instance of the CosmosClient class, and then obtain both a Database and Container instance from the client:

    _container = new CosmosClient(connectionString)
  13. Within the AdventureWorksCosmosContext class, add a new FindModelAsync method with the following signature:

    public async Task<Model> FindModelAsync(Guid id)
  14. Within the FindModelAsync method, add the following blocks of code to create a LINQ query, transform it into an iterator, iterate over the result set, and then return the single item in the result set:

    var iterator = _container.GetItemLinqQueryable<Model>()
        .Where(m => == id)
    List<Model> matches = new List<Model>();
    while (iterator.HasMoreResults)
        var next = await iterator.ReadNextAsync();
    return matches.SingleOrDefault();
  15. Within the AdventureWorksCosmosContext class, add a new GetModelsAsync method with the following signature:

    public async Task<List<Model>> GetModelsAsync()
  16. Within the GetModelsAsync method, add the following blocks of code to run an SQL query, get the query result iterator, iterate over the result set, and then return the union of all results:

    string query = $@"SELECT * FROM items";
    var iterator = _container.GetItemQueryIterator<Model>(query);
    List<Model> matches = new List<Model>();
    while (iterator.HasMoreResults)
        var next = await iterator.ReadNextAsync();
    return matches;
  17. Within the AdventureWorksCosmosContext class, add a new FindProductAsync method with the following signature:

    public async Task<Product> FindProductAsync(Guid id)
  18. Within the FindProductAsync method, add the following blocks of code to run an SQL query, get the query result iterator, iterate over the result set, and then return the single item in the result set:

    string query = $@"SELECT VALUE products
                        FROM models
                        JOIN products in models.Products
                        WHERE = '{id}'";
    var iterator = _container.GetItemQueryIterator<Product>(query);
    List<Product> matches = new List<Product>();
    while (iterator.HasMoreResults)
        var next = await iterator.ReadNextAsync();
    return matches.SingleOrDefault();
  19. Save and close the AdventureWorksCosmosContext.cs file.

  20. From the terminal prompt, with the current directory set to AdventureWorks.Context, run the following command to build the .NET web application:

    dotnet build

    Note: If there are any build errors, review the AdventureWorksCosmosContext.cs file in the $HOME\training-az204\Labs\04\Solution\AdventureWorks\AdventureWorks.Context folder.

Task 3: Review the .NET application startup logic

  1. In the Explorer pane of the Visual Studio Code window, expand the AdventureWorks.Web project.

  2. Open the Startup.cs file.

  3. In the Startup class, note the existing ConfigureProductService method:

    public void ConfigureProductService(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddScoped<IAdventureWorksProductContext, AdventureWorksCosmosContext>(provider =>
            new AdventureWorksCosmosContext(

    Note: The product service uses Cosmos DB as its database.

  4. Close the Startup.cs file without making any modifications.

Task 4: Validate that the .NET application successfully connects to data stores

  1. In Visual Studio Code, from the terminal prompt, run the following command to switch your terminal context to the AdventureWorks.Web folder:

    cd ..\AdventureWorks.Web\
  2. From the terminal prompt, run the following command to run the ASP.NET web application:

    dotnet run

    Note: The dotnet run command will automatically build any changes to the project and then start the web application without a debugger attached. The command will output the URL of the running application and any assigned ports.

  3. On the taskbar, select the Microsoft Edge icon.

  4. In the open browser window, browse to the currently running web application (http://localhost:5000).

  5. In the web application, observe the list of models displayed from the front page.

  6. Find the Touring-1000 model, and then select View Details.

  7. On the Touring-1000 product detail page, review the listing of options.

  8. Close the browser window displaying your web application.

  9. Switch to the Visual Studio Code window, and then select Kill Terminal (the Recycle Bin icon) to close the currently open terminal and any associated processes.


In this exercise, you wrote C# code to query an Azure Cosmos DB collection by using the .NET SDK.

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