Lab 2: Create a single-tenant ASP.NET web app

Task 1: Create an ASP.NET web app project

  1. On the lab computer, start Command Prompt.

  2. From the command prompt, run the following commands to create and set the current directory to $HOME\training-az204\Labs\06\Starter\OIDCClient:

    cd $HOME\training-az204\Labs\06\Starter\OIDCClient
  3. Run the following commands to create a new .NET Core web app based on the Model View Controller (MVC) template (replace the placeholders <application_ID>, <tenant_ID>, and <domain_Name> with the corresponding values you recorded earlier in this lab):

    dotnet new mvc --auth SingleOrg --client-id <application_ID> --tenant-id <tenant_ID> --domain <domain_Name>
    rmdir .\obj /S /Q
  4. Run the following command to start Visual Studio Code.

    code .

    If you have been prompted Do you trust the authors of all files in this folder?, select Yes, I trust the authors.

  5. In the Visual Studio Code Explorer pane, review the autogenerated folder structure that represents an MVC web app.

  6. Navigate to the Properties folder, open the launchSettings.json file, and then apply the following changes:

| Section | Property | Value |
| -- | -- | -- |
| **iisSettings** | **sslPort** | **44321** |
| **OIDCClient**  | **applicationUrl** | `https://localhost:5001` |

> **Note**: The port numbers must match the value you specified when creating the Azure AD app registration.
  1. Save and close the file.

  2. In the Visual Studio Code Explorer pane, select OIDCClient.csproj.

  3. Ensure that the value of <TargetFramework> element is set to net6.0.

  4. Ensure that version of the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect NuGet packages is set to 6.0.9.

  5. Set the version of the Microsoft.Identity.Web and Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI NuGet packages to 1.25.3.

  6. Verify that the content of the OIDCClient.csproj file resembles the following listing (the value of the UserSecretsIdwill differ) and save the changes.

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
       <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer" Version="6.0.9" NoWarn="NU1605" />
       <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect" Version="6.0.9" NoWarn="NU1605" />
       <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Identity.Web" Version="1.25.3" />
       <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI" Version="1.25.3" />
  7. Close the OIDCClient.csproj file.

  8. Navigate to the Views\Shared folder, and then open the _LoginPartial.cshtml file.

  9. Verify that the asp-area attribute in each span element references MicrosoftIdentity, as in the following line:

    <a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="MicrosoftIdentity" asp-controller="Account" asp-action="SignOut">Sign out</a>
  10. Close the file without making any changes.

  11. Open the file appsettings.json and review the content of the AzureAd object, including the following elements:

    | Element | Value | | -- | -- | | Instance || | Domain | Primary DNS domain of the Azure AD tenant associated with your Azure subscription | | TenantId | GUID of the Azure AD tenant | | ClientId | Application (client) ID of the application you registered in the Azure AD tenant | | CallbackPath | /signin-oidc |

  12. Close the file without making any changes.

  13. In the Visual Studio Code Explorer pane, select Program.cs.

  14. Verify that the file contains the following using directives:

    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect;
    using Microsoft.Identity.Web;
    using Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI;
  15. Verify that the file contains the following lines that add the relevant authentication services to the container:
  16. Verify that the file contains the following lines that add a controller and Razor pages for the accounts management:
  17. Save and close the file.

Task 2: Test the single-tenant web app in a single-tenant scenario

  1. In the Visual Studio Code window, from its top menu bar, go to Terminal menu and select New Terminal.

  2. In the Terminal panel, the current path of current working directory should be $HOME\training-az204\Labs\06\Starter\OIDCClient. Run the following commands to build the .NET web app:

    dotnet build

    Note: If there are any build errors, review the files in the $HOME\training-az204\Labs\06\Solution\OIDCClient folder. Ignore any warning messages.

  3. Run the following command to generate a self-signed certificate and configure the local computer to trust it:

    dotnet dev-certs https --trust
  4. If prompted to install the autogenerated certificate, select Yes.

  5. From the terminal prompt, run the following command to run the .NET web app:

    dotnet run
  6. Start the Microsoft Edge browser in the InPrivate mode, and then navigate to the https://localhost:5001 URL.

  7. If presented with the Your connection isn't private message, select Advanced, and then select the Continue to localhost (unsafe) link.

  8. In the open browser window, when prompted, authenticate by using the UPN of the aad_lab_user1 Azure AD account you created earlier in this lab with Pa55w.rd1234 as its password.

    Note: If you are prompted with a Help us protect your account window, select Skip for now.

  9. The browser window will automatically open the Permissions requested webpage.

  10. Review the requested permissions, which include View your basic profile and Maintain access to data you have given it access to.

  11. Select Accept.

  12. Review the Welcome home page of the target site displayed by the browser and verify that the UPN of the aad_user1 Azure AD account appears in the browser window.

  13. On the Welcome page, select Sign out.

  14. When prompted to select the account to sign out, select the aad_lab_user1 Azure AD account. You'll be automatically redirected to the Signed out page.

  15. Close the Microsoft Edge browser.


In this exercise, you implemented a single-tenant web app and tested it in a single-tenant Azure environment.

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